
你好我好 online store目前只接受以下三種卡別進行線上刷卡交易,敬請見諒。

  • Visa
  • Master
  • JCB

  • 關於信用卡3D驗證機制




  • 關於信用卡交易失敗


  • 交易失敗代碼範例

①Payment failed: Please take a screenshot and contact the customer service agent if your online credit card payment failed.(RC:-7:Receive Broken message)

②Payment failed: Please take a screenshot and contact the customer service agent if your online credit card payment failed.(RC:V1:unmapping error code)

 ③Error Code:05

 例:信用卡授權失敗/Payment Authorization Failed.錯誤代號:05/Error Code:05

 例:Payment failed: Please take a screenshot and contact the customer service agent if your online credit card payment failed.(RC:05:Do Not Honour )

Error Code: V0

 例:Please take a screenshot and contact the customer service agent if your online credit card payment failed.(RC:V0:unmapping error code)